As a creative with an entrepreneurial spirit, it is my passion to work with people and brands to define, design, and ship digital products that genuinely improve lives (or at the very least improve digital interactions).
After several years of working in the entertainment industry as a music touring assistant at CAA and a studio manager at Be Electric Studios, I followed my passion to create and graduated from General Assembly’s User Experience Design bootcamp. Since then, I have developed a portfolio of shipped work and passion projects.
In my free time I love riding my bike, making textile art, taking photos, and planking.
Rug Tufting
This has been a brewing interest over the last few years which I have finally recently been able to dive into. I am drawn to this medium because of the constraints it provides.
The weave of the fabric that I work with has a finite level of detail I can work with. Each weave acts as a single "pixel" I can color in.
Constraints drive creativity. The boundaries set to work within make conception and beginning a project a lot easier. Constraints also set rules to challenge.

Fully Prone
What started off as a joke has turned into what some might call a performative art piece.
I obviously didn't invent the plank, but I am having a lot of fun posing around the world!
I take great inspiration from wheres Waldo, iSpy and such books and imagery designed to be inspected.
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