Co-Founder and COO Ritwik Pavan reached out to me to work with him, David Young (VP of Product), and the Vade.ai team to design and bring to life the Measure tool. Over the last few months I have established a design system (and style guide based off of the existing Vade branding), created user flows and wire frames based off of David and team's previous research, and iterated to high fidelity prototypes which are currently being developed by the engineering team.
The Measure tool enables parking consultants to observe live parking data and generate reports and tables.
This is an ongoing engagement with a lot of user testing and iterations down the line. It has been such a delight working with the Vade team as they push forward with an incredibly innovative product and service.
Check out some screen shots of the web-app below!

Throughout the engagement I have be able to work on other design requests like marketing materials, business cards, and a brochure (below). Shoutout to David Young for writing the copy.

Check out the Figma file below for the latest high fidelity wireframes.